Core Values
Interaction with God
The Bible is God’s Word to us without error. It is our final authority for all areas of our life. God also invites us to personally communicate with Him through prayer. Therefore, interaction with God through the Bible and prayer form the essential foundation to our lives.
All People
The history of the world is a story of God working out His plan to restore us to the original life He intended for His special creation. His son came to provide a way for people far from God to enter into a relationship with Him. Our ministry must revolve around this message.
Authentic Community
God has not designed this life to be lived alone. Our spiritual growth is best fostered by the accountability, care and fellowship that only intentional relationships can provide.
Strategic Service
You are never more like Jesus than when you are serving. Every believer has a God-given gift for use in ministry. And every believer has a God-given responsibility to serve in ministry.
Offering God our best honors God and inspires people. Excellence helps break down the preconceived ideas that people far from God have of the church and of God.
A message as important as our’s deserves making sure it is communicated as clearly as possible. That takes getting to know our audience and thinking through how to communicate the unchanging truth of God’s Word to a constantly changing culture.
Leadership is a stewardship of influence. We must leverage our influence for maximum efficiency. To achieve this we must utilize people with leadership gifts (not committees). If our mission is as critical as we claim, then we as leaders must be always growing and passing along to others what has been entrusted to us.